Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Ace of Clubs

Another card came in the mail today... I guess I'm not done giving messages. After what happened with last card... I'm not excited to get another one. I'm afraid of the ace of spades. Two men came and beat me up last time and they told me I was doing everything right. They had the nerve to barge into my house and threaten the Doorman. Their names' were Daryl and Keith. I was afraid to write about it earlier... Maybe they'll come and find me again if they see this.
Anyways... the card was delivered in an envelope. Also in the envelope was a letter to me.
"Dear Ed,
All appears to be going well if you are reading this. I certainly hope your head isn't too sore...
Later on it said "Very impressive indeed... in case you're wondering... Mr. Edgar Street boarded a train to some old mining town not long ago.... clubs are no snack, my son."

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