Friday, April 16, 2010


I've haven't written in a while because I wanted to get the hearts done as fast as I could. The card had movie titles on it. Each movie had an actor, or producer, etc... that had a name that related to either Audrey, Ritchie, or Marv. I wanted to help them as fast as I could.
I started with Ritchie. Basically I realized I needed to help Rithie get back on his feet. He needed a fresh start.
Marv apparently has been saving thousands of dollars to help this girl he got pregnant three years ago. I drove him to her house. He confronted her father. They had moved away because of the disgrace he brought to their family. I felt bad for poor Marv.
Audrey was last. I made her realize she loved me even if it was for only three minutes. We danced under the moonlight.
I thought I was done...

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