Thursday, April 15, 2010

SLedge Game/The Ace of Spades

Well today Marv brought me to breakfast. Yes, Marv took me out to eat. He wasn't a tight arse for once in his life! But, it was for a reason, he did it just to make sure I went to the sledge game. Marv had a kerfuffle with the waitress.
At the sledge game, my opposite number looked like Mimi from the Drew Carry Show. Big #12. During the game I asked some kid to watch the Doorman for me. When I got back, he was gone. I looked frantically and finally found him. He was receiving something from a women. I knew it was the next card. I tried to catch her, but she disappeared into the crowd. Finally, the stupid kid wanted to keep my dog and the envelope. He made me pay him twenty bucks for the dog and the message.

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