Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Dream

I had the strangest dream after I checked the names in the phone book. I dreamed that I was in school again, but no one else was there. The air was a pale yellow and the desk was covered with books. There were words on the board but i couldn't decipher them. Then the teacher walked in and told me it was, "Time to start". She asked me to read the words on the board, only i still wasn't able to make them out. I tried harder until I heard a snap from the teachers desk. I wasn't able to believe it, but the teacher was dead, hanging from a rope. I attempted to help, but when I went over to her she only said, "Recognize the words now, Ed?". And then I saw it on the blackboard the words "Barren Woman" were written.
I woke up shortly after that. I knew I had heard those words before. Finally, i figured it out. Barren Woman is a poem about a woman who committed suicide and was written by Sylvia Plath. All the names on the cards were authors. I decided I i had to go to the library and get all the books they had, that were written by these authors.

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