Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Rose Boys and Angie Carusso

Next I located Gavin Rose. He had a brother and they fought a lot... but I wasn't sure what to do. So, I decided to find Angie Carusso. I realized, after watching for a while, that she always goes to the park with her kids and buys them ice creams, but she never got one for herself.I realized that nothing really belonged to her. I decided that the best thing I could do for her was to buy her an ice cream. She needed something for herself for once.
After, I went back to the Rose house. I realized, I needed to help the brothers stay together. I decided to beat up Gavin Rose so they would have a common enemy;me. A few days later they found me and beat the arse out of me. I guess it all worked out for them.

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